File your DBA Name here…

Doing Business As

DBA, short for “doing business as”, is a formal declaration that an individual, company or organization is conducting business under a different name. DBA’s are also commonly referred to as fictitious business names, assumed business names and trade names. All these terms mean the same thing.

Typically, businesses are officially created when registered under the owner’s name. When this occurs, the owners often choose a name for the business and register a DBA to make it official. If your business is registered under your name and you intend to conduct business under a different name, you must file a DBA…Get Started!

DBA’s need to be filed so business owners can use the name in contracts, open bank accounts, write and deposit checks with that business name. It also discourages competitors from using your name or a similar one… more reasons

There may be restrictions on your DBA choice. For example, some states may not allow it to reference a geographical location unless you’re located there. If you have decided on a business name and find out that someone else already has that name, you may still be able to register it if you are in a different industry or trade…Get Started!

Filing a DBA is a good initial step in formally establishing your business. And, you’ll only need to renew it every 4 to 5 years, depending on your state. There are no yearly fees. If you want to cancel your DBA, simply don’t renew it…Check pricing!

Which State Are You Filing In?


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