Arizona DBA
Doing Business As
DBA Information
A “DBA” name is commnly referred to as a “trade name” in this state.
According the Arizona Secretary of State, “The registration of trade names and marks is not legally required in Arizona, but is an accepted business practice.” However, they also mention, “as a precaution, it is highly suggested that you refrain from purchasing business cards or advertising prior to receiving your certificate of registration in the mail.”
In Arizona you can file your DBA (aka trade name, assumed name or fictitious business name) yourself with your Secretary of State. Or, use a legal document service such as Swyft Fillings to handle the entire process for you.
Swyft Fillings charges $99.00 (plus state filing fees) for Arizona DBA’s. Click here to learn more about pricing.
DBA State Information
DBA Questions
What is a DBA?
Incorporation: Benefits
Business Name Search
Which State Are You Filing In?